IWill blogs
This and more would be constantly said to me AT MY HUSBAND'S home after MARRIAGE. Outside while cooking, in the bedroom, when coming back from work, when waiting to get promoted, in any occasion, there would be small remarks.
I joined IWill therapy online as it was becoming unbearable for me.Â
It was in therapy at IWill that I could be understood.
My therapist at IWill first helped me learn to not take these statements as a testimony to who I was and see for they were coming to make me feel insecure about myself!
She helped me learn to be assertive and stand up.Â
So instead when someone while I am singing, chooses to praise someone else, she asked to me frame a question and ask what did they think about my singing.
If someone said someone else earns more and what is my salary, I should straight away ask, what is the connection they are implying!Â
I give it back and not hear small remarks
I dont take anyone's negative opinion about small things in my life as a jusgment of me.Â
I don't listen to things I shouldnt be listening!